One thing I find myself doing often is searching for pieces of scores from movies. I love soundtrack music, even the music used in movie trailers (I'll get to that at the end of this post). I write to it, I listen to it for fun, I immerse myself in it to arouse a certain mood before I write, and sometimes I just soak it in and enjoy the perfection.
So I want to share some of my favorites with you today. Bits and pieces of movie scores that have moved me over the years. Maybe they'll help you write, or maybe you can just enjoy them for what they are.
1) I've loved this movie since childhood, and rediscovering the score recently made it all the better.
"The Burned Out Village"
2) THIS movie in and of itself is one of my all-time favorites, and the soundtrack is so hauntingly beautiful that sometimes I almost can't take it. (For any violinists out there, the solo violinist you'll hear is the ever-superb Hilary Hahn).
"I'm Back, Lucius"
"What Are You Asking Me"
3) I haven't actually watched The Last Samurai, but I stumbled upon this recently and kinda fell in love with it.
4) Needing inspiration for a creepy steampunk novel? Here you go. (Also, another one of my favorite movies.)
"Tick Tock"
That ending though.
5) I have yet to see The New World all the way through, but I love this piece from it. Absolutely, heartrendingly beautiful.
"All is Lost"
6) This isn't really a soundtrack, although it was created by a group that wrote cinematic-style music (and I think this piece was used for something TV-related that I haven't seen). I heard it a long time ago and recently unearthed it while I was making some plans for a fantasy novel.
And now...back to that thing about movie trailer music.
I love movie trailers, so much that I'll probably devote a post to the subject at some point. But for now, I just want to show you the music from three movie trailers that top my list of favorites (as far as the music goes). You'll probably get an idea for what a dramatic imagination I have, but, meh. Us writers are a dramatic lot to begin with.
1. The music from the Catching Fire trailer:
2. From In the Heart of the Sea:
3. And lastly, Everest:
Out of all of these, when I listen to the In The Heart of the Sea trailer music, it gets to me, and I have this gut feeling that I must write the story project that I associate with it. So I guess that's the bottom line of all of this is - if you supplement your writing with music like me, pick music that tells you that you have to write your story.
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Do you have a favorite type of music to set the mood for writing? If not, is there something else that feeds your writing?