Tuesday, September 19, 2017

So...College. And Randomness.

So college happened again, like it will for another two years (I hope), and it's left me with little time to blog. To update, however, I'm taking three English classes toward my major, pondering some potential study abroad opportunities, and finding myself increasingly involved in my university's Baptist Campus Ministry. Sophomore year is off to a great start, and I look forward to having things to blog about because of it!

It's been one heck of a year, you guys. And it's starting to wind down. 2018 keeps ticking closer. How does this happen? 

Song recommendation: Ghost of a King by The Gray Havens

Also, I think I have the most professor-y professors I've ever had this semester, and I appreciate them all, despite their quirks. At some point I intend to share about them. 

I apologize for the very random blog post. To be honest, I'm avoiding homework at the moment. Hopefully I'll have something longer and more focused for you all soon! (Mainly I just wanted you to know I'm still alive over here, and that I appreciate you, despite my absence.)
